Financial Assistance
As a courtesy to our patients, we file insurance claims with participating insurers. To minimize processing delays, patients are expected to respond promptly to insurer requests for information.
Patients are expected to pay their financial obligations, including their estimated portion, on or before the day services are received, and any remaining portion upon finalization of the claim by the payer.
Financial Assistance
For patients who qualify, we offer a variety of ways to reduce payment responsibilities for services rendered. Our financial assistance program can reduce financial liability while still complying with insurance contract obligations and federal and state regulations.
Patients can apply in at the facility and the applications will be processed within 3 business days.
Payment Plans
Patients are expected to pay their estimated financial liabilities on or before the day of service. If a patient is unable to pay the estimated liability in full, our facility may offer a short-term repayment schedule after a minimum down payment is made. For an extended repayment schedule, a patient may have to secure financing with an outside source before services can be fulfilled. Please consult our business office for further information.
Uninsured Discounts
Patients not covered by insurance or other third-party payment sources may be eligible for a reduction of charges via an uninsured patient discount. If a patient’s services are subsequently found to be covered by insurance or other third-party payment source, the uninsured discount may be disallowed.
Out of Network
If our facility it not part of a patient’s insurance network, the patient may be eligible to receive an out-of-network adjustment to their assigned liability—assuming we are not prohibited from doing so by state/federal law or the insurance company’s provisions. The application of any out-of-network discount is based on a patient’s benefit coverage. Accounts that become delinquent may have the adjustment disallowed.
Other Providers
Services may be provided in this health care facility by other health care practitioners who may bill the patient separately and who may not participate with the same health insurers or health maintenance organizations as the facility.
Patients and prospective patients may request a personalized estimate of charges and other information from both this facility and other providers. Patients and prospective patients should contact each health care practitioner who will provide services in this facility to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations with which each practitioner participates.
Unpaid claims and outstanding balances may be transferred to the patient for collection. If necessary, the institute will utilize internal and external resources to secure payment on unpaid or outstanding balances. If the account becomes delinquent, it may be placed with an attorney or collection agency whose fees and expenses may also be the obligation of the patient.
Florida Health Finder
Patients may access the State of Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration website for information about this facility:
Heart and Rhythm Institute of Trinity is committed to providing Health Care Services to patients in Orange County and surrounding service areas regardless of their ability to pay. The Charity Care Policy was established to provide financial relief to those who are unable to meet their financial obligation to Heart and Rhythm Institute of Trinity.
Charity Care applies to charges for traditional, non-elective healthcare services to patients meeting the financial criteria set by the Surgery Center using the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines found at
Charity Care Criteria
All outpatient accounts are eligible for uncompensated care consideration. A Charity Care Application must be filled out by the patient/guarantor. Eligibility is based on income, family size and cash assets.
- Patients with current Medicaid benefits having a procedure not covered by Medicaid, and not cosmetic in nature, will be approved for charity care based on their qualification under the Medicaid program. Proof of current Medicaid eligibility will be verified prior to approval.
B. Patients at 150% or less of the current Federal Poverty Income level, from all sources, will qualify for Charity Care with completed application.
C. Patients at 151% or higher will be considered for Charity Care on a case by case basis with completed application.
Charity Care Application Documentation
Heart and Rhythm Institute of Trinity may require some or all of the following documentation based upon the individual Charity Care Application
Required Documentation
- Proof of Income – from all sources, listing gross income for the most recent four-week period.
- Copies of most recent Federal Income Tax Return.
- Last two months on bank statements for savings accounts and checking accounts.
- Cash balances as of the date of service from certificates of deposit, stocks and bonds.
- Number of dependents. Unborn children are not added to the family size. Death of a spouse or dependents will only be included in family size for the year of the death.
Other Documentation at the Request of Heart and Rhythm Institute of Trinity
- Assets including home, automobiles, boats and real estate other than primary residences.
- Monthly household expenses as well as loan payments.
- Credit Bureau check on accounts balances of $2,000 or more.
- Board of Assessment – Property Value check (as required).
Charity Care Application Policy
The Heart and Rhythm Institute of Trinity is committed to providing quality health care to every patient in the Pasco County area regardless of their ability to pay. Our Charity Care Policy is established to provide financial relief to those who cannot meet their financial obligation to our facility.
We are dedicated to financial charity and ease with collection procedures. Please call the clinic at (727) 859-1034 to place a request for an individualized payment plan, all collections must be paid in full within 30 to 60 days.
Our charity care applies to charges for traditional, non-elective healthcare services to patients meeting the financial criteria set by our surgery center suing the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines found at:
Charity Care Application Procedure
- Completed application (and supporting documents) is reviewed and a determination of eligibility is made within 30 days. Written notice of determination is forwarded to the guarantor/patient. Copies of all documents are kept in the patients chart.
- Charity Care charges are entered into the patient accounting system and then written- off at the same time. The comment section of the patient accounting system should document this occurrence and the reasons for the anticipated charity handling.
- If patient is Medicaid eligible, application to Medicaid must be completed and eligibility determined before consideration for assistance.
- Current account balances will be the basis for consideration for assistance; previous balances that have resulted in bad debt classification will not be considered.
- Each application is effective for accounts listed as well as future service that occurs within 180 days of the last approved application. A complete application would have to be completed for services that occur after the 180-day limit.
- Applications are considered confidential in nature, the property of Heart and Rhythm Institute of Trinity, and will be retained for a period of seven years.